©Alpha Designs
Retirements are used for Staff Members that no longer want to be in the Team.
You can only retire 3 times. Retire more than that and you will be required to reapply.
You have 1 month to come back, if you don’t come back within a month you will have to re-apply.
You must open a Management ticket in order to retire or return from retirement.
Reduced activity can be requested if a Staff Member cannot be active. There must be a valid reason for RA. If your on RA you do not need to fully complete your quota but you must do some.
You can go on RA for minimum 3 days and maximum 1 week.
Managers+ will check your RA, if they find the reason invalid it will be denied.
You can submit a RA by doing the "/ra request" command.
You can manage your RA by doing "/ra admin". Using this command will allow you to end your RA early and extend your RA. Extending your RA will require an approval from Mangers+.
If you are caught making a fake RA you will be demoted.
Leave Of Absence (LOA) can be requested if a Staff Member cannot be active. There must be a valid reason for LOA. If your on LOA you do not need to do any of your quota.
You can go on LOA for minimum 3 days and maximum 2 weeks.
Managers+ will check your LOA, if they find the reason invalid it will be denied.
You can submit a LOA by doing the “/loa request” command.
You can manage your LOA by doing “/loa admin”. Using this command will allow you to end your LOA early and extend your LOA. Extending your LOA will require an approval from Mangers+.
If you are caught making a fake LOA, you will be demoted.
We have added a new channel for staff to use, it is timezones. This is so we know if you are able to complete orders or not. It if just quailty of life. If your timezone isnt on the embed please ping a member of the directive team so we can update the embed with your timezone.
When doing the RA and LOA request command, make sure to put "Day" as "d" and week as "w". For example "/loa request 1w busy with school".
Last updated